Enrollment Verification Request 

A company or institution may ask for a student's education information such as:

  • Enrollment Status
  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Letter of Non-enrollment
  • Academic Standing
  • Degree Earned
  • Expected Date of Graduation 

Students have the following options: 

  • Email the Enrollment Verification to their PHSC Mail account and then print.
  • Pick up the document in the Admissions and Student Records office after two business days.
  • Mail to home address (mailed to the address noted in student's file)
  • Mail to alternate address (student will input address)

Please remember, PHSC cannot sign any paperwork for companies requiring an enrollment verification. 

Submit an Enrollment Verification Request Form

  1. Sign in to the Bobcat Portal
  2. Open Banner Student Self-Service
  3. Click on "Enrollment Verification"
  4. Select the "Term and Verification Type" and click Continue
  5. Select the "Academic Year" and "Delivery Method" and click Continue
  6. Select or enter address information
    • Students wishing to pick up the Enrollment Verification at a campus other than West Campus, please enter:
      • Pick-up at (North, East, Spring Hill or Porter) Campus in Street Line 1